Sunday, August 25, 2013

Tracey's Triangle: umm the washer is gonna take off...

The Good Side, The Bad Side, and My Side

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Convo Convoy: Chicken

While at work...

Danni: I think I am going to go to BJ's ot get a chicken after work, want to come? 
Tracey: yes.
Danni: woooo
Tracey: that's in framingham right
Danni: no. Hudson
Tracey: oh ok
Danni: we can go to framingham but that seems like a long way for chicken
Tracey: lol that sounds like an album title Imagine Dragons: A Long Way for Chicken
Danni: That's it! We'll make an album and that's the title.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tracey's Triangle: Commonwealth Courtesy

Alright Massholes, listen up, new rule: If I am already halfway out of my parking spot I have the right of away. You can't speed down the parking lot, blare your horn, and look at me like I just almost hit you.  If I am already this much out of my space you couldn't have even turned into this row yet. Besides, if you stopped and let me out you could of had this awesome spot I'm leaving.

Wrong Way, The Right of Way, and My Way.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Tracey's Triangle- I Scream

I saw a ice cream truck broken down on the side of the highway today.
Maniacal plans are afoot I can feel it.
The Hot Side, The Cold Side, and My Side.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tracey's Triangle: It's all Fun and Games until you owe someone a lot of money

Gone are the days that you could innocently push someone into a pool and not risk ruining their thousand dollar phone.

The Dry Side, The Damp Side, and My Side