It's that time of year again, and no I don't mean that most wonderful holiday where we pay homage to the supermarket gods by preparing way too much food and insisting that we need two helpings. Then submitting ourselves to the fate that is know as a food coma.
No, I mean the Presidential Election in the U.S. It's that time of year when you guard what you say or risk alienating acquaintances. Note the use of the word acquaintances, generally your friends know your beliefs and agree or just agree to disagree. You will also see many posts on Facebook praising one party and condemning the other. You'll drive past houses with 14 lawn signs telling you who they'll be voting for on the first Tuesday of November.
It's the homemade lawn signs that I really love. While coming home from my parents' house the other day I saw a particularly amazing one.
Now for those who don't know me, a point of reference, I am pretty liberal in comparison to others, but I am in no way an extreme liberal. I learn the facts about every question and race on the ballot and I make an informed decision based on what I believe on the individual topics.
For this election I have many reasons affirming my choice. There are stances that each candidate has taken on important topics, that fact that I grew up in a state where one of the candidates held a political office, and my satisfaction with the current president.
So when I see signs like these, I can't help but laugh at some people who feel the need to publicly declare their beliefs in a very obvious way.
If you can't read it, it says "IF Obama (Obama's Logo) WINS you can kiss your sweet a$$ (the Obama logo substitutes for the 'A') goodby"
Here are the issues I have with this sign:
1. Message - I am perfectly alright with making a political statement as long as you have facts to back it up. For example, I would find it perfectly legitimate if I said, "If Romney wins, as a woman in charge of her own reproductive organs, my rights will disappear." Romney is pro-life and wants to make it very difficult and expensive to purchase birth control. In this sign, what specific belief or stance does Obama take, that will cause me to, "kiss my sweet ass goodbye." Healthcare? Wall Street? What!?!
2. Grammar and Punctuation - This statement is missing a comma and a period to be a sentence in proper English. The way the sign should have been written: "If Obama wins, you can kiss your sweet ass goodbye."
3. Substituting Logos - As brought up by 2nd 3rd Roommate, when using a logo in a statement, it can either, mean the person's name (in this case), or replace a letter in a word. It doesn't work for both. For this sign, I will accept the use of the logo in replace of the president's name, but not as the 'a' in ass. For any sign in this election if you are going to be using a logo, here are the only appropriate uses. The Obama logo can be used for an 'o' and the Romney logo can be used for an 'r'.
3. Most Importantly...Spelling - Clearly Obama's plans for education are not that far off considering the person who constructed this sign can't even spell the word goodbye correctly.
With all of that being said, I hope everyone goes out on Tuesday and votes, no matter what you believe or who you are voting for. It's our right as American citizens to head to the polls and vote. Many people around the world don't get that option.
For more information on registering to vote or where to vote, check out this site:
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