Saturday, May 11, 2013

Tracey's Triange: Pausibility

How good a movie is (when watching it at home, a movie theater being completely different) is directly related to the Pausibility Factor.

If you will sit through that movie without getting up at all, no matter how bad you have to pee/eat/drink/need a blanket it is a Damn Good Movie.

If you get a phone call or get up for something but pause it because you don't want to miss anything, It's a Pretty Good movie.

If you can get up and go to the kitchen for that drink and not pause it but are able to hear it or have a companion relay the important plot points or cook dinner in intervals of stirring  whatever is on the stove but run in and watch when things sound pertinent, and if any sed task takes more than 60 secs between task and viewing the screen you'll more than likely pause it, It's a OK Movie.

If you've invested this much time in it already and you just want to get it over with so you know how it ends. It's what I call an unpause movie. You willing do other things and purposefully not pause it. It's a... Movie. It just is.

Then you have the ones you turn off, or fast foward through, clearly a Bad Movie
*Disclaimer this research is based on movies never seen before. If you've still seen the movie and have to pause it, it's the Best Goddamn Movie out there.

Tracey's Triangle, It's like a corner but with a T

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